
Premises Infrastructure

The Academy will establish a Campus and Estates Master Plan for the geographic footprint that it occupies. The Master Plan will include and enhance:

Information Technology Infrastructure

The Academy will endeavour to invest in information technologies that enhance the competences of its learning communities to collaborate with each other and with its stakeholders, and that support the student experience.

The Academy has a challenging environment for the provision of secure and high-quality communications due to the nature of the training that it offers. The Academy will meet these challenges, and bring in new physical and wireless networking that will allow high-bandwidth and device-neutral communications capabilities.

The Academy will continue to make use of the IT services backbone offered by Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA) regarding web hosting, development and maintenance, communications and scheduling applications​.

The Academy has a large resource of digital assets and opportunities for resource sharing with other government-funded education providers. Through partnerships and service agreements the Academy can provide a robust Information Technology Infrastructure. The Academy will consolidate a service agreement with the University of Malta to make use of the following services, subject to payment: